Well, the plot thickens even more. Summary from several local online papers. Some very "direct" quotes--original Spanish at the end for those who may want to check the source. 1.- They have done the Park Royal Cancun Caribe beach, moved on and then bypassed about 200 meters of beach--the 200 meters in front of the Gran Caribe Real and The Royal Resort and are moving south in the beaches of the Flamingo Hotel as well as finishing up some technical details around Punta Cancun/Hyatt Regency. 2.- The tubing is there but it is there to feed sand from the dredgers to other hotels on either side of the mentioned hotels. 3.- They are reporting that the breakwater HAS BEEN REMOVED but the rhetoric is getting tougher as the government now has the upper hand and is saying "get rid of it NOW AND drop the lawsuits and court orders you have against us or we won't give you any sand! (some translated quotes) "'Due to the pretexts and trickery used by the businessman Fernando García Zalvidea, for removing the breakwater that he illegally built at his Gran Caribe Real Hotel, it will not be enough to just removed the structure completely in order to get the new sand that is being put onto the Cancun beaches,' the Federal Beach Zone Director, Raziel (sic) Villegas stated." The Hotelier will also do one additional procedure and desist from all legal measures taken against the Environmental Agency (Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa),) on Monday at the latest if he wants to receive the benefits of the Beach Restoration project that he has been excluded from." “Now everything depends on the García Zalvidea's common sense. He will have to drop the legal procedures because, in spite of the fact that he did once, he has continued litigating, making pretexts and trickery so as not to comply with the order to remove the breakwater. Additionally, he must cease and desist from all the lawsuits he has started by Monday at the latest. I a couple of weeks I will make a decision and decide on the amount of the fines that the man will have to pay, and they will be considerable, taking into account that he is a repeat offender. Measures to repair the grave environmental damage already done have already been estimated”, he said. "Villegas Nuñez also pointed out that to the contrary if the businessman goes back to his old tactics that he has used for the last year and a half when they closed the breakwater and the dirt filling the first time, and delays even more the fulfillment of what was previously mentioned, he will not have any sand for his hotel." (repeating the same thing over and over is very common) “And if one of these steps is not met, compliance, desisting legal suits, payment of fines, compensation measures and, of course, the removal of the breakwater, he can forget it. If he responds wanting to place conditions on the government as he has before, he can forget it. If he makes more excuses, he can forget it. There will be no sand!” 4.- Concerning the environmental damage, according to the engineering company involved, the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), the least damaging that García Zalvidea used for filling in the beach was a local white limestone dirt (sascab). “The least damaging is the sascab according to the CFE report but the man threw whatever he felt like into the beach fill; like rocks and construction rubble. So the environmental damage is serious”, he restated. 5.- He indicated that García Zalvidea knows he will use the lawsuits against the government that has 4 legal procedures, six penal complaints and 3 court orders against him. One of the lawsuits that he himself has against the government is that of a temporary order and THEY ARE PROHIBITED from putting any sand into the area under litigation!!! “The man is clutching at straws and senseless trickery. They are going to lose the lawsuits and they know it because they don't even have a Federal Beach Concession. So if he insists in keeping his illegal breakwater there, he is exposing himself to going to jail." "The 'forced march' work that they have been doing this weekend to make sure they remove the structure this weekend just go to prove he has been lying. “The man (García Zalvidea) has always used the excuse that it couldn't be removed in even 2 weeks...and today we see that what he hasn't been able to remove in a year and a half he now says he can remove in 3 days." “And all of a sudden we see movement and 4 bulldozers that who knows how they got there because he also said that the machinery had no way to get in...and now full speed ahead. This proves that everything that went before was just pure excuses and chicanery.” Concerning this he said that the hotelier that has moved all the dirt and rock up against the foundation of the hotel is also responsible for its removal from the beach area to its final destination." ----------------------------------- Debido a los “pretextos” y “chicanas” utilizadas por el empresario Fernando García Zalvidea, para evitar retirar el espigón que colocó ilegalmente en su hotel el Gran Caribe Real, no bastará con que remueva la estructura por completo para recibir la nueva arena que se deposita en las playas de Cancún, informó el director Impacto y Zona Federal de la Profepa, Raziel Villegas. El hotelero tendrá que allanarse a un procedimiento más y desistirse de todos los recursos legales iniciados en contra de la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa), a mas tardar mañana (lunes), si desea recibir los beneficios del proyecto de Restauración Ambiental de Playas, del cual ha quedado excluido, confirmó el funcionario federal. “Ahora todo depende de la sensatez de García Zalvidea. Tendrá que allanarse a los procedimientos, porque pese a que ya lo hizo una vez, ha seguido litigando y poniendo pretextos y chicanas para no acatar la orden de retirar el espigón. “Además, deberá desistirse de todos los juicios que ha interpuesto, a más tardar el lunes. En un par de semanas dictaré una resolución y el monto de las multas que el señor tendrá que cubrir, que serán bastante considerables, tomando en cuenta que es reincidente. Y se le fijarán medidas de compensación por daño ambiental, que es bastante grave también”, dijo. Villegas Nuñez subrayó que, de lo contrario, si el empresario recurre a las tácticas que ha utilizado desde hace año y medio, cuando se le clausuró por primera vez el espigón y el relleno de sascab con arena, y retarda más el cumplimiento de lo antes citado, “no se le echará arena en su hotel”. “Si falta uno de esos pasos: Allanamiento, desistimiento, pago de multas, medidas de compensación y, por supuesto, el retiro del espigón, que lo olvide. Si responde queriendo condicionar a la autoridad, como lo ha hecho, que lo olvide; si pone pretextos, que lo olvide. No habrá arena”, sostuvo. Del daño ambiental, manifestó que conforme a los datos proporcionados por la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), lo menos que usó García Zalvidea para rellenas sus playas, fue sascab. “Lo menos dañino es el sascab. Según el informe de la CFE que nos mostraron, el señor aventó de todo, aventó lo que se le dio la gana: Cascajo, desperdicio de construcción. Entonces el daño ambiental es grave”, remarcó. El entrevistado indicó que García Zalvidea sabe que perderá todos los juicios interpuestos en contra de la autoridad, ante la que enfrenta cuatro procedimientos, seis denuncias penales y tres juicios de amparo. Uno de esos juicios, promovido por él mismo, es el que ahora impide que se le deposite arena, pues el Juzgado Segundo de Distrito le concedió la suspensión provisional que ordena que “las cosas queden en el estado en el que están” y que prohíbe “obras o actividades nuevas” que modifiquen la morfología de la zona en conflicto. “El señor está dando patadas de ahogado y chicanas sin sentido. Van a perder los juicios y lo saben, porque ni siquiera tienen concesión de zona federal. Entonces si se empeña en mantener ahí su espigón, violando la ley, se expone a ir a la cárcel”, remarcó. El funcionario señaló que los trabajos “a marchas forzadas” que realiza la firma Real Resorts para remover la estructura, que aseguraron sería desinstalada este fin de semana, “prueba que siempre han mentido”. “El señor (García Zalvidea) siempre pretextó que ni 15 días serían suficientes para retirar su escollera… y hoy lo que vemos es que no pudo quitarla en un año y medio, pero ahora que ve el problemón, dice que siempre sí, que en tres días la removerán. “Y de pronto vemos movimientos, cuatro trascabos, que quién sabe por dónde metieron, porque también decían que no podía entrar la maquinaria…Y ahora sí está a toda velocidad. Esto comprueba que todo lo de antes, fue puro pretexto y chicanas”, expresó. En ese sentido, aclaró que las rocas que el hotelero ha replegado hacia la estructura del Gran Caribe Real, y en general todo el material que remueva, tendrá que retirarlo de la zona de playas y hacerse responsable de su destino final."
1.- Claiming defamation on the part of the government and stating that removing the lawsuits they have against the government would be an admission that they were wrong, the layers and spokesman for the Real Resorts (The Royal and Gran Caribe Real) say they will not withdraw the lawsuits. The government has stated that if they don't, those hotels will not get sand. http://www.elperiodico.com.mx/25100/se-niega-zalvidea-a-retirar-demandas/ 2.- As Dangers has already reported on TA, Cozumel is withdrawing from the Beach Project. Only 1.2 kilometers of beach on the north end was scheduled to be worked on and they will receive $2 million dollars for promotion in the U.S. and Europe in exchange. http://www.elperiodico.com.mx/25100/se-niega-zalvidea-a-retirar-demandas/