OK, I don't know what to search for, but I'm looking for the bikini bottoms that look like a straight band on the top of the bootie? Kinda like if boy shorts were only 3" wide? One of the girls working had them on last week, and I love them. Ideas?
Hmm....not as tiny as that - more like these: Rose Lace Cheekster Panty - PINK - Victoria's Secret or Lace Cheeky Panty - Very Sexy - Victoria's Secret More ideas?
There's enough material on those to make 4-6 sets of bottoms! Omg if these catch on , we will end up seeing a daycare at the edge of the sexy pool, and families bringing children! Please nooooooooooo! Lmfao ! Seriously though.. They are really hot!
Boyshort bikinis look great for sports! Surfing with a thong or a scrunchie bottom is not fun, unless you want to end up naked or keep fixing it every 2 minutes. Boyshort bikinis look perfect for that and still look sexy!
Haha - well, those sizes run tiny, so those ones are out. I may have too much badonk-a-donk for those....anyone else find others? I keep looking for boyshort bikinis, but mostly find ones that fully cover the butt. Boooo. :bootyshake: