Do we need to bring our own or is it supplied for body shots? Also if we do need to bring our own is there a place in Texas that carries it or is it a special order? :anon::3some::69::daveandmo::bj: 31 more days and we will be at the sexy pool finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we use to be able to get it at most liquor stores around town but no one carries it anymore. For the last 2 years we have had to order it from
YOu have to bring. You will just need to canvass the liquor stores and see if they have it. Most stopped carrying it because the cans are nor very reliable. Specs used to carry it but now do not. Only about 60-75% of them work. The stores were getting a lot of returns. Also, if you refrigerate it it gets real runny and does not dispense correctly. If you get it too hot, it does not dispense correctly. But when it works it creates a real party.
Yep we got ours at Total Wine. But the one off 75/Walnut Hill area may be running low because of us. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We highly recommend a vanilla or something in a lighter color. We have seen chocolate ruin a few swimsuits and besides that.. No one gives a shit what flavor it is anyway