Is anyone aware of an Atheist discussion group or anything along those lines, e.g., Humanist, Rationalist or even Naturalist? If not in Cancun very close by. Spanish or English speaking.
They are everywhere. I just haven't been able to find one here yet. I find plenty of groups in DF of course just nothing so far in Cancun. Not so sure how it is "strange" but there is a group for everything these days. You might be surprised.
Just out of interest really, Do you kind of sit in a group and talk about why people may believe in a god and why?. I personally do not believe in any god. But never researched it at all. I've often believed that a god is for some one missing something in there life, and they need some sort of dream...
I did a quick Google search for you and didn't find anything. Why not start a group yourself? There are plenty of video's available on Youtube and other area's of the net. Search Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens. Each has his own approach to the topic. Sam is non-aggressive in his delivery where Hitchens is articulate but obviously quite Dawkins has some terrific documentaries. The God Delusion, The Root of all Evil, etc. Anyway, you could view a lecture or two and then have discussions. I used to believe that it was unnecessary to challenge someone's religious beliefs. Maybe even cruel, in that they may need their faith to deal with life's difficulties. However, I have recently come to the conclusion that the threat presented to humanity, with the perpetuation of religious indoctrination, is more important an issue than the benign comfort individuals may receive. In other words, the fanatical followers of these myths.... fairy tales... could well kill us all. We have to begin putting a stop to it. That starts with each of us having the courage to speak up. "No....I don't believe in a God, or a Santa, or an Easter Bunny.....". Good luck
Thanks. I too have done extensive internet searches in both english and spanish and cant find anything close to Cancun. At the same time I am not so sure I am motivated to start a group of my own. I did come across a group "Ateos Desde Mexico" and I am hoping to get some suggestions from them. Besides its looking like my group would consist of myself and you which is not so much a group but I imagine great conversation over beers.
That's probably the ticket! Just get together for a chat with anyone who cares to and see where it leads: Brewster can fly down from Calgary! Cancun is somewhat lacking in intellectual stimulation and you could perhaps make a contribution just by acting as a catalyst I'd be happy to have a beer with you (saves me from drinking alone and I don't have so far to fly) to find out more about what your interests may be- beyond inquires based on issues relating to atheism (which term always seemed to suggest advocating the absence of belief rather than advocating better beliefs though I have to confess to an absence of knowledge about what self-identified atheists may find to talk about!)
Not trying to be funny or disrespectful, though I do find aethiests and agnostics to be a small minority in the big scheme of things but I think that would be a party that no one would come to. Steve was being very tongue in cheek suggesting that I may know of such a group, but he is a funny guy and we have reserved the right to take playful jabs from time to time. One of my very best friends does not believe in God. We have chosen not to discuss our beliefs. One of those things where it is impossible to change someone's position. Nearly as difficult as trying to explain tax and spend to a head in the sand democrat. Maybe the best way for Cheyenne to discuss her beliefs, or lack thereof, would be to have a debate party (not with me) and have that discussion over beers. I would try to attend but only if the beers were only served in plastic cups, lest someone try to smack someone else with a beer bottle.
Indeed TJ. I too am an atheist - I dont believe in God. Nor do I believe in Santa, fairies at the bottom of the garden or a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. That's why I find it strange that folks would want to get together and discuss something others may believe and find comfort in, but they themselves do not. I think once you step down that path then you become as radical as the beliefs you oppose. But, hey, each to his own.