Please we don't need multiple April roll calls You can use this one Keeps it simple and organized Unless you don't want to be part of the Largest Cancun Care group All are welcome
Wait. What? I'm confused. Where is the April roll call? Doesn't Jannet usually do these? That's what I, and I'm assuming others, have been looking for. Are you saying you have to be an April Addict to be on the roll call? We're not, so does that mean we shouldn't be part of the roll call? OK, so sorry for being an ass. My point being you shouldn't have to be associated with a particular group to be on a roll call.
Unless I am mistaken; You don't have to be an Addict to go in April, but everyone who goes in April can be an Addict...if you want to. No membership fee, meetings, or secret handshake required. Not really a group, just a state of mind!
I tried to get into that group, but no luck...something about my definition of "to share" was different than there's!
I'm on the roll call that woody made. I didn't even know that there was 2 roll calls.. Lol.. All I know is I'll be there April 15-22. I get emails from woody when the list updates and people are added.