Ok, I've seen on a couple of the threads a game entitled Anything Goes that "used" to be played at BBG, what it that game and why do they no longer have it?
You could only go into nice shoes if you participated... the entire place was split into two teams. Then the team captains would pick different people to do different tasks etc... who could get the most trousers in 1 minute, as many bras as possible, knickers etc etc...most ended in minimum clothes or naked lol and it changed all the time, different games etc depended on Chinos mood I think lol. Can remember filling condoms with white cocktails and drinking them etc. No cameras were allowed in there but there was a BBG photographer who took pics and you could buy them if you wanted to. It was such a good laugh....it was almost as much fun as the kissing competition.....
oh that sounds fun..........we need to ask them to bring it back,,,,at least try it during our week in june...lol :mermaid:
:xyxthumbs: I remember those days...LMAO!! That's the night i was almost naked except for one of my socks....:angel1::angel1: I miss those days!