None of my buddies have any money to travel with me. I was there back and May and had a great time. traveling from Texas and don't want to be a stranger (you really never feel like one ) Always meet great poeple. Any company out there?
Singles Week I will be there nov 9 thru 16th? I think you will be there later? Or just come on down early
one week later yes i get there the week after, but tere as drummed up a lot of singles that week check out the thread ....xx singles... november and december 2009 ..say hello
Me and a friend will be there from the 11th to the 18th. We can help you upgrade to a Canadian strength liver. The real reason we have universal health care
You will have plenty of company-check out the Singles Week thread! But you might have more company if we can ID you from a picture!! I'm there Nov. 9-15, arriving in the evening so make sure you say hello!