Who knows when the various property tax (predial) discounts are? Specifically, on Feb. 7, what is the amount of the discount - and then on Feb. 14, what's the discount?
Can't provide specifics. Historically, they've offered %50 off for payment within a set period then %25 for a following period and then up to full price by the second quarter.. this coming year however, I wouldn't be surprised if there are no discounts since the city is flat broke (due to thievery) and needs the money for operating expenses. From what I understand the city is functioning solely on credit right now...
I don't think they offered the discount last year as well. I know for sure they did in 2008 for 2009 but not since then.
Yep. Every year. First discount (the highest)in November--they need money to pay aguinaldos. Then January 10% or something like that. It gets less. Then SUPPOSEDLY they start to add late fees. One year--about 10 years ago--they offered like 50% and no late fees for anyone who paid--thereby making it cheaper to pay late. Haven't seen that one lately though. Had to be another case of needing money bad. And the local government is again broke because we continue to let corrupt people steal from us before they leave office/go to jail/get elected or appointed to another position in government. They say they are going to sue those past authorities that stole. I am sure they will but I am equally sure that nothing will ever come of the lawsuits he says stepping down from his early-morning soap box.
In the case of the ex-mayor, who is said to have "made off" with 800,000,000 pesos, they just may get somewhere in recovering part of the money. He made the mistake of investing much of his allegedly ill gotten gain in the U.S., where U.S. Courts and U.S. prosecutors will be more than happy to pitch in- the anticorruption laws, and enforcement procedures, being among the strongest in the world. Even here, it can sometimes go badly for you if you assist in the commission of crimes involving acts by public officials. For example, the apartment from which the political espionage operation allegedly directed by the ex-mayor was conducted, during his abortive run for governor of Qroo, was seized by the Mexican Federal Government. It has remained under guard since then but may soon be going up for sale, the owner said to have lost the property because he allegedly allowed his property to be utilized for illegal purposes. _____________________
FROM MY LAST YEAR PAYMENTOF PREDIAL (IN DATES FOR US GRINGOS): DEC 1 - DEC 15 20% DEC 16 - JAN 15 15% JAN 16 - FEB 15 10% FEB 16 - FEB 28 5% EL DESCUENTO SOLO APLICAR PARA IMPUESTO CORRIENTE DEL EJERCICIO 2010. (DISCOUNT TO APPLY ONLY FOR CURRENT TAX YEAR 2010.) So that is what it was for this year and it could change for 2011. I never paid attention before but it implies that Predial is paid in advance here. So the dates above all reflect taxes for 2010. In Florida we pay in arrears. The bills come in Oct, for 2010 taxes, with a 4% discount in Nov., 3% in Dec., 2% in Jan., 1% in Feb, Full Amount due in Mar and delinquent on Apr 1. Costs start accruing at that time. Tax certificates are sold to investors in May, who basically pay the taxes to the county so that the government can operate. Certificates are sold by online auction with bidding starting at 18% annual simple interest and can go to 0%. Some are actually sold at 0%. If the tax certificates remain unpaid for two years, the certificate holder can make an application for tax deed. This results in an auction where the property is sold with a minimum opening bid equal to all delinquent taxes, interest and costs to the highest bidder. If there are no bids, the applicant tax certificate holder gets the property by paying as little as $10 to record the tax deed. Now that is the way to run a railroad.
For anyone who is past due for a year or more, you can pay now without any fines or late fees! It pays not to pay it seems. Predial (property tax) is one of the very few ways that the local government makes money. Other income comes from Federal government disbursements for roads, schools and social programs (money that is taken out of Pemex) and a percentage (30% I think) of the Federal beach concession tax that is collected from people who own and/or do business on beach properties. They want to start charging for garbage collection and people are up in arms. (Garbage collection is another ongoing vicious circle story for another time.)