I am sure we all kid at some point saying we dream about it. But have any of you that have not just gotten back, had dreams of TTR so real you can visualize everything and even taste the booze&boobs? Maybe I am under WAY TOO MUCH stress right now but it seriously happened to me last night. Oliver was to the rescue at ever chance handing me another glass of Captain! I love that guy!!
This is so funny... Jeff just told me the other day that he had a dream about TTR and that he was there without me !!! I said thats no dream thats a nightmare and if he didn't think so it would be once he got back...LOL
I actually had a dream the other night that we went to GOV and the taxi driver didn't know where it was, so he kept driving right by it. We ended up going to OXXO instead and just bought a bunch of Mexican junk food and walked from there.
I go to OXXO every trip to buy Mexico-only snacks and drinks. I don't speak or read Spanish, so I end up shopping by looking at the pictures on the package.