Hi, I'm planning a vacation to Cancun and I came across the website removed.com. Has anyone ever booked with them? They seem really cheap, but I don't know what to expect from them. Thanks, Michel
Good afternoon, Michel, and welcome aboard. I noticed you posted your question from an IP in Mexico. Are you with MVI?
Hello Michael, I'm not with the MVI, I'm currently in Puerto Vallarta, I'm a lucky guy, I go on a Mexican holiday twice a year!
The add is rather deceptive as it says it pays you in USD, yet if you go to the FAQ link it clearly indicates that you get paid in pesos. It amounts to $3000 pesos that you get according to that page, and that's equals $30 USD. I'd rather not sit through a breakfast listening to timeshare for the equivelent of $30USD. http://www.removeddomain.com/faq.html Scroll down to "how is it paid" Michelle p.s. I thought this sort of commercial post wasn't allowed??
3000 pesos is 300 USD or therabouts Michele not 30USD, or tell me where you change your money! . All sounds a bit timeshare, but could be O.K if you know what you are letting yourself in for.
I remember the scam Michelle mentions, where the fee offered was quoted as $300. People from the US took it as meaning dollars but it was paid in pesos. I'm not sure if this is the same company or not. I did some more research which revealed a few things: 1. There was a company that ripped people of in this way http://www.removeddomain.netfirms.com/Quals.html I'm not sure if this is the same company, but using the same name for the subdomain is a huge coincidence. The website is, however, a subdomain with a hosting company. 2. The company are prolific spammers of Mexico forums such as this with similar posts being posted all over for the last few years. 3. The company website is administered out of Puerto Vallarta, which just happens to be where the post above was made from. Since their marketing by posting on forums is deceptive at least, then I wouldn't trust them at all to deliver what they promise. I will delete the domain name for now, but am wondering if really it ought to be left with a warning so people know to beware of them?
Yes, this is the company that operated the deceptive practices. If you check the archive copies of their web site: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nameremoved.com/ You'll see that their website used to offer $200 or $300 without stating the currency apart from in the small print. They paid it in pesos from 2003 right through to as recently as Feb 2007. At some point between Feb and May they changed this to USD. Given the shady history I would say they are definitely to be avoided and the poster has been banned.