One of the couples that will be attending the Wishes, Wonders, and Whodats asked me if anyone had donated a Premier week for the Friday night auction. They said that they usually get the week from a friend, but would prefer to buy one at the www14 auction, with the proceeds going to Make-A-Wish. We have a potential buyer, and now we need a donor. Any Premier members willing to donate a bonus week to the auction? I am sure that several of you have weeks that go to waste every year. Help make the auction more successful!
What a great idea! We know a premier member who isn't on CCC very often, so we will pass this on to him and see if he's interested!
Chris and Stacy (tacgrande) are donating a Premier week for the auction! I am sure that it will help us meet our goals for Make-A-Wish. We could use another week if someone can help out. The process for booking a referral is very easy.