Hi June Junkers! We were part of a toy exhange last year at TTR. Couples signed up to bring a toy or other sex related items(ex: sex games, lubes, crazy bondage accessories etc ect) (no more than $20-25) and on the designated day at the designated place and time we held a secret Santa type of exchange. We can figure out details and rules as we go. I got a whip and had lots of fun with it at the resort hahahaha). I put a poll up to see which date has the most interest. You can vote on more than one day if you don't care. We will have to keep an eye out on a Boobs Cruise date so we do not do it on that night as some might be passed out in their rooms. We will be there from 8th - 18th so anywhere from the 9th to the 15th would work best for us.
We vote for the 13th. They are best on lingerie nights, but we are cool with any night. The more people the better. Troy & Bambi
We had planned one last year, and everyone had their gifts, but things got so wild every night, we weren't able to get everyone together to do it. So a few exchanged them on their own, and then there were about 4 of us, who still hadn't done anything with them on our last night. A friend of ours that works at Desire (Daniella) who used to be part of entertainment staff at TTR a few years ago, came to the resort for dinner and to party with us for the evening, and she told us how difficult the adult gifts were to get there and we gave them all to her! She was super happy! And rewarded us very much so until the weee hours of the morning! Ed
wow really?? we had no problem doing this in july last year and there were around 15 couples involved! I guess you just don't bring anything with batteries in it already.