Joseph Gossett has been living and working in Cancun most recently at this hostel:…19623 He may be going by the name of "Joe Williams" and you can view his profile on the website here: He is wanted for sex assault on a child and has been spotted in Cancun within the last month. Please call or email AMW with any tips.
That is good news! It was a rather old thread posted in a different section of the board, someone reminded me yesterday I ought to move it here.
OMG i cant believe it! joe was always suuuuuuuuper nice, this is really shocking!!!!!! i once heard he was wanted for some internet scam but never knew about the assault... im still in shock...
Um, it wasn't "an assault" was it? He's accused of molesting a kid for YEARS, that's a lot different from one incident.
Well, his story to me was that he had robbed a "Burger King" or similar and needed to stay out of USA until the case is closed, which I believe he said was something like 10 years? Very quiet guy and I never had any issues with him(considering some of the management at M 4 Sunset :lol: ) I guess its the one you least expect, right? Steve: I guess thats part of hiring undocumented staff like they do? Not even once did they check or even ask for my papers, and I was lucky enough to avoid the last raid by INM(which had Joe swimming across the canal at the golf course just to avoid them...) before I quit.