Can you book with Alpharooms if your from the US? We're trying to book for November and the site keeps crashing when we want to checkout with the final price...
Yeah it was crashing for me too when I checked a little while ago. But you definitely can book from the US when the site is working ok. Alpharooms is based in the UK and it's 1:20am here in the UK right now (I'm jetlagged and cant sleep) so I guess it probably wont get fixed for a few hours yet. Maybe try tomorrow morning.
Sometimes your credit card company may refuse the charge but just call them and let them know it's okay to authorize.
We have used many times... Never an issue. Just have to be patient for the deals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Youngmarriedcouple, I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing some issues with our site. You can book from the US - just change the flag at the top right of our home page to switch to the US site. If you're still having problems please e-mail a contact number to and I'll ask someone to call you. I hope this helps! Best wishes, Jessica
We booked with Alpharooms this time for our 2015 TTR trip . We just made a deposit and were going to make payments until we went . Just tried to make a payment and they want to charge an extra 4$ on your card every time you make a payment so if you divide your balance into 10 payments then its 40$ just in credit card fees . Screw that for a game of soldiers I will just pay in full when Im good n ready . Already sent them a message to tell them I don't like their sneaky fee charging .