Hi All! Newbies to Temptation...99% sure we will book for late November. We have done a fair bit of research on the property but the one thing that does not come through is the age mix of the crowd. We do understand the "live and let live" philosphy and the more "adult" nature of the place. We are 40 somethings and while we enjoy the energy of the folks a couple of decades younger we wonder if we would be "out of place" in the mix. What has been folks experience of the age range of the guests? General obserations or comments would be very welcome! Thanks Sam and Heather
I would say that 40 something fits right in. I'm 33 myself and am usually at the bottom end of the average scale. Relax book and have fun!:beer4:
late november I go late november every year and i would say 70% of the clients are in the 35 to 50 age group.. but age is in the head , i am 50 and feel 21 when at Temptation lol
We are headed there at the end of the month for our second trip. You will not be out of place at all. We met people in all age ranges...from the 20's - 70's with the majority falling in the early 30's - late 40's range. My hubby is 42 & I am 35. As long as you are friendly & open to meeting people - you will have a great time!
There are a few of us that wished we were in our 40s, although we don't have any problems keeping up with anyone. Age won't be an issue as far as if you have a great time or not.
hey, im 47 and jamie just turned 34 (today) and we usually end up having to help some of our younger friends to bed at night artytime: u guys will fit right in. dont worry :beer4:
Reading your thread and the replies has made me more comfortable about our first trip. I too was wondering about the age thing. My husband and I are in our late 40's, our friends back home tend to be younger and a lot of fun. We're looking for a good vacation time and know we'll find it at Temptation. :xyxthumbs:
As a 31 year old first timer going in late November this is good to hear sounds like the 'crowd' is easy going and fun!
We are in our mid to late 30's and we were about the average age, or a bit on the young side when we were there last October. But we are firm believers of the "age is a state of mind" mentality.