Well we made our 2nd trip down to TTR and this by far was the best vacation I personally have ever had. We have already decided that we are going to do our best to make this a yearly occurrence at this time but stay for a minimum of 5 days from here on out. Fyi it was Steph and I along with Natalie1973 on this trip. Day 1- Leave DFW (after a horrific encounter with a gate agent at the automated check in) and arrive in Cancun about 145. We make it through customs with no problems minus the ladies acting sneaky about their bags throughout the whole process. (There was reason for this but I would find out later). We get outside and he plan was to wait for Natalie to meet up with Jazzy Jj when we got there. Come to find out his plane was delayed and it would be about an hour late. Jj finally gets there and the much awaited meeting happened and it was happy times from there. We get on the bus and head for the hotel. 5/3 marked 3 years of dating for Steph and I and she had promised an "epic" surprise for the trip. I was clueless as to what this could be but during the long ride to thehotel I was surprised in a card with her asking me to marry her on the beach on Saturday during our trip. We were already engaged and had talked about a small wedding but this BLEW my socks off. I was in total shock that her and Natalie had planned all this behind my back. It was the surprise of my lifetime and I couldn't be more greatful. Of course that explained all the sneakyness at the airport later on. So we get to the resort and check in. Steph had requested a beach view room but there had been a break down in communication and it did not happen. They switched us to a Jacuzzi room but we were unimpressed and.asked for a regular room. They moved us to 2302 and it was downhill from there. The AC did not work so the next morning we would move a 3rd time to 5222 and enjoy the rest of the trip from there. We went to lingerie night/ casino in full attire as a group and had a wonderful time. Day 2- we wake up to sweat from no AC and immediately go downstairs to say we gotta find something better. They took great care of us and we got our 3rd and final room for the trip. This morning brought a required blood draw to make out marriage official. Being a firefighter / paramedic I was more than skeptical about this when I found out about it but was pleasantly surprised at how professional the nurse was. Then it was off to the pool and to celebrate white night with everyone. Steph and Natalie looked amazing after all their hard work on finding the perfect dresses and Jj and his damn beads/hats put me to shame again. This night brought the searching out of Pablo and the rainbow shots we had been waiting for and Pablo's hospitality and smile did not disappoint. It was great to see him again and as always we hope to see him next time. Day 3- Wedding day! So we get up and plan our day accordingly, all I know is the.wedding is at 3 so pool time would be cut a little short by us all. Steph and Nat got ready in Natalies room and I came back to my surprise of no one being in ours. I was thinking ok we will get dressed and go down together and take it from there. That got my mind wondering what was in store and I would NOT be disappointed. To my shock and amazement Steph had gone all out for the ceremony and the setting was beautiful. It was on the beach by the quiet pool and I could not have asked for a better way for us to join our lives together. Then the best surprise came as she came out in an amazing wedding dress (another surprise as I had thought small low key ceremony.) After a short ceremony, it was official we had been married on the beach and a bucket list item for me was complete! I can't say thank you enough to all involved in the planning, set up, those guests that stayed to watch and of course to Steph for making it an excellent occasion. After many pictures and glasses of Champagne it was back to the room and off to dinner to celebrate some more. After many more glasses of champagne at dinner it was out to the activity pool to watch another great show and have fun with everyone. Day 4 and 5 were spent at the pool and just enjoying the relaxation before heading back to the real world. Steph and Natalie got me to participate in a beer drinking contest which the Staff proceeded to dominate! Along with Steph and I playing a couples game in the early morning which was a blast as well. All in all another great time at Temptation and memories to last a lifetime! To all those we met from here and just in general down there it was great to get to know you all! To the lady who did 30 shots for her 30th birthday...wow you're a trooper! Bill it was great to meet you and your wife and hopefully we run into eachother again You and I can talk the "business " any day. Natalie I know we have already talked but thank you againfor all you did to help Steph to make this a trip of a lifetime! We may get into it once in a while but you really are a great friend. And to Jj..thank you for showing Natalie a great time and making her the happiest I have seen! You truly are a gentleman...even if ya did beat me for the theme nights with your outfits and hats! For newbies...Bubba kegs are a must! It is so much easier! Also, participate in the events and theme nights and just let loose! No one knows you and no one gives a shit! Stay for a minimum of 5 nights and don't leave too early on your way out (it is like adding another day!) Oh and one more thing..Alpharooms is the best deal we found by far Too bad we had already booked with bookit and overpaid. Wow this ended up being long and I feel like I am leaving stuff out but it truely was a great trip! Until next Mayhem!! Austin & Steph
congrats guys!!! what a great surprise!! i would definietely say 5 days is a minimum, with 7-10 being ideal. i've been for 4 days and for and 14. 7 was right for this last trip for me but i'll try for 10 next May!
We will definitely take that into consideration! Also we are thinking the Boobs Cruise has got to be in the plans next time as well.
Congratulations, that would be a wonderful surprise! Glad you had a great time and hopefully you can stay longer next time! We learned quickly that 5 days just isn't enough
They're insulated mugs......... Shop Bubba - Your best source for Bubba Brands products! I'm pretty sure they are on every list of essential things to take to TTR. It was one of the first things we bought after we booked!!:ernaehrung015:
Be sure to buy them prior to getting to the resort...they cost about 8 bucks here in the states at Walmart and it was close to $14USD once at Temptation from what many said. Less trips to the bar = more fun with friends!