This is the young girl that a previous poster posted the link to. She sat in a wading pool and her insides were literally sucked out of her body. If I recall correctly someone posted the link to her story in response to someone who was bashing all of Mexico for an American dying in a pool accident in that country. Very sad for this to have happened to this family, however, they seem to have handled everything well and the laws are now changing in their state to prevent something like this from happening to someone elses child. This really should be addressed on a national level rather than state by state. Michelle
Yeah, thanks for that. Just love accidently clicking on crap like that when I'm on a holiday /vacation themed website. If know one gave a f*ck on it's first posting why bring it up a second time? Ian
Beause you are NOT the only one who reads this messege board and it is a free for all forum to post what one likes as long as the post doesn't violate any rules. There is NO rule that states: "Do not post anything that Ian won't like" and as such....feel free to skip all of my posts as I have done rather well in the past at skipping over most all of your posts without complaining about them in public. Michelle
True. Cant say fairer than that then eh, sweet cheeks :wink: :wink: Have a happy easter. Ian :lol: :lol: