I've seen what body paint looks like after a few hrs of Mexico humidity....:icon_eek: One of the entertainment staff did it for Halloween last year. Looked great and then it didn't.
One of the most common ideas I've received from people about ABC parties is, interestingly enough, garbage bags. I don' tknow what that says about those folks I've asked, but after asking about 10 people, and hearing back from tthem, "What about a plastic sack?" Or, "What about a Hefty bag?" or, "How about using a kitchen garbage container liner as a dress?" I sort of went.... What in the hell is wrong with those people? For myself, I always thought a C-note bikini would be the most awesomeest, as an example is offered for you below: I don't "think" this violates.... precisely, the ban on nips, does it?