Wondering what is a MUST bring for you to TTR?? I was talking to another person from the !!NAKIFY JULY!! crew and he told me that he plans on bringing a bottle of Crown :aktion033:. Not sure where else this thread will go, but curious to see what your MUST is. It might help others to consider bringing something they wouldn't even think about.
MUST bring a few cans of A.I.W.C. (alcohol infused whipped cream). Always a hit at the sexy pool or on the Boobs Cruise.:headbanger:
A must in to bring some type of plastic mug or cup with a lid for the week. Using their cups blows. Also, don't forget some dish soap to wash them with at the end or beginning of the day!
ChapStick with SPF of at least 25. ChapStick Sun Defense has an SPF of 25 and ChapStick LipSHIELD365 has an SPF of 50+.
Here's my list. - Sunscreen ( Lipstick and cream ) - Mug ( pool ) thumbler ( paty'o ) + Dishsooap to wash them. - Advil ( Yeah you'll need it ). - Mio sport ( which contain electrolyte ) - Redbull 5 hours shot. ( coffee not good and energy drink are expensive ). - Lysol ( spray can, shoot in the A/C and curtain. My man have asthma. ) - Special Shampoo ( Blonde hair as they will turn yellow/ Orange ). - Tip for the crew. - Wristband. - Outfit. and I think that's about it.
They taste soap lol and I don't think they are wash properly either. =) I prefer to drink in my own cup, and I wash them everymorning + I bring my own dish soap and a dish clothing to dry them up. =D Usually I wash then when I wake up and let them dry on a dish clothing ( that I bring ), then heading to the buffet for a breakfast and pick up my mug when I'm back. =D
this is a great thread and there is another one similar to this one and they were comments like different size zip-lock bags, powdered gator-aid a small 3 or 4 way electric splitter for a charging station and much more. I will look it up again about a week before we go.
shortcut http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/22808-post-your-travel-tip-day.html