A little help with local demographics?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Shari, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. Shari

    Shari Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2007
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    It has been ages since I’ve been to Cancun. I’m looking for some demographic information or insight into the average middle aged Cancun resident.

    I have a website, remembercancun.com, which is dedicated to Cancun in the 1980s and early 1990s. One thing that could really make my website a big hit would be to get the people who lived and worked in Cancun during that time involved with the people who traveled to Cancun during that time. Although I have no idea who still lives there and who’s moved on, I’m wondering what type of internet practices the average Cancun resident is involved in.

    I have no idea how to obtain this information or how to target this market. I am hoping someone can give me some insight or maybe be able to provide a few answers to at least a couple questions with reference to Cancun.

    How common are computers and internet in the average home?
    Do people in the 40-60 year age range have much interest in the internet?
    Do you think the local people I am hoping to reach would have much interest hearing from or communicating with people who visited or spent time in Cancun?

    Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    There are TONS of internet cafes, so I'm sure there is not a computer in every home here.

    If you could get reliable data from Telmex and CableMenos about how many internet subscribers each has in Cancun those numbers would indicate something about how many people are using the internet.

    My experience is that ex-pats here are plugged in, they mostly have computers and internet access. Mexicans is a whole other matter, no idea what kind of numbers you'd find in terms of what percentage owns computers.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Every expat has a computer and an Internet connection.

    Local Mexicans though between 40-60 generally dont, unless they have siblings that use it regularly. Even then I'm not sure how often Mom's and Dad's would get involved.
  4. Shari

    Shari Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Thanks much. Although that wasn't what I wanted to hear, that's what I expected. You guys are always so willing to help. Your the best. If I ever make it back again, I owe you all a few rounds. :D

    On a seperate note, Steve how long have you been there? I have a photo from LaBoom with a guy who looks something like you do in your picture.
  5. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    Not EVERY expat has a computer and connection! ;)

    I lived without one for years, and many of my co-workers (excluding Canuck, of course) went without Internet in their homes!
  6. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Yeah a bit of a generalisation mainly to emphasise the big difference between the percentage of expats who have internet, compared to the general population.

    Although, it's true that I cant think of one expat I know who doesn't have Internet access. I suppose it depends on your social circle.
  8. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Steve, You and I need to remember that our lives and social circles are actually defined in large part by our computers and access to the internet. Not everyone is as plugged in as we are.

    If I could just get an internet implant in my arm I would be happy.
  9. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    IMO the technology breakdown is something like this. 15% have (full time) internet at home, 25-30% have computers of some variety at home, and everyone else uses the internet cafes and such. The level of computer knowledge is quite limited, as most only know how to "use" them and nothing of how they work or how to troubleshoot them. Electronics are still overpriced here, but have become slightly closer to US prices over the last year or so. (still you pay a %30-%70 premium on retail here) The internet itself is pathetically slow compared to the states and much more expensive. Kids here are starting to become like the kids in the States were in the late 90's and you see more techies emerging, but do to the low numbers of computers in homes, and even lower number of kids who have their own computers, most of the experience computer comes from internet cafe time and the limited school use of computers. Basically, folks that live away from the center of town, in the "poorer" areas are very unlikely to have much money or interest in computers. The "upper-middle, and upper classes" on the other hand are very likely to have them.

    While we are (kind of) on the subject.... You cant help but notice when you go to $tarBucks here or other like places, that lots of people lug around their laptops and use the wireless internet.... the thought has occurred to me, if these folks can afford their laptops (and $tarBucks) why cant they get internet at home? Are people just so addicted that they will carry around 7 pounds of electronics so they can login at every opportunity or is it a social thing? (ie: look at my shiny new laptop) Most folks are not doing work on them but seem to be chatting or just messing around. On the flip side you also have some freeloaders who will buy a 14 pesos coffee then sit upstairs for 5 hours making calls and turning the place into their own private office. Just observations... am I the only person who gets their coffee, downs it, and leaves within 10-15 minutes? :?:
  10. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I am currently posting from Starbucks and have been here for 45 minutes. Yes I am showing off my laptop.....NOT. I have not had internet in my house for 6 days and I much of my work is done online so yes I am taking advantage of the internet at Starbucks. I also had a Panini and Coffee :D
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