Hi all, We've only got 6 more days (3 working) until we get to Temptation! We arrive at about 3pm, so probably around 4.30-5 at the resort - will there still be places in the resort that we can eat/drink without booking as I don't get paid until the day after so will have pocket change only until then!?
You wont be able to get a table at the nicer restaurants but there is always the buffet and Patio's grill later in the evening. You won't go hungry or be thirsty here.
No worries, I have some $ left from business trips for tips. After the first night, we'll be set again! ;-) Getting close now.....not looking forward to a 12 hour flight though!
Next week this time we'll be en route! Can't wait doesn't even explain how I am looking forward to this vaca!
Amen to that. We will get there a day before ya. I'll be sure and save you a few :beer4: The rule is on new arrivals a shot is taken