First timer's heading towards Temptations. If you want in on the get-along-gang, aka joke name for our first time group.. Say Hoeh! Maybe we can pick a day to meet up and just have an informal, calm, respectful, Newbie meet and greet. The secret code will be said at a whisper. It's : Tounge lashing! LOL
Very cool. will wait for others but i am sure we can get something off the ground! Im Kevin the lady is Yve... Hope to meet you too.
Nice..... we can get Chino to give you a birthday present *LOL*.. we'll even buy the drinks that day ...
Uh i think i heard about this chino dude. As long as its cool. Buy the drinks he says? Somehow i dont think the tap is going to be as big as I think... LOL Comedian aye?LOL
seriously though I heard that chino calmed down. He used to give birthday lashes at the pool side. From everything I've heard it's not that bad.