Good morning has all We shall be in Temptation January 21st. has Rave party , afterhours or of chill in the corner there? What will be instants extremely of the week in the Temptation, sexy party? party special? Give information me of, they have so much hate dy to Be thank you bibi xxxxx
thank you for answering me, his nice jespère that we ausons of the sun because the weather forecast in January its steps always very nice? For the pleasure of seeing you on the beach excuse my english loll bibi
my wife and I are there starting this Thurs. (1/15) thru Sun(1/18); are you sure you guys don't want to come down early?
We will be there from the 21st to the 28th... We have been there the last week of January the first time we went and last year the 1st 2 weeks of February... Both times the weather was great and I think I can only recall one day that it actually rained lightly in the afternoon for about an hour.... See you there! Faye & Rick :lol:
Bonjour fellow canadian we will be there from the 24 0f jan to the 30. We are representing the left coast.
If this crazy canuck reads your question correct you can expect to have a wonderful time. The entertainment staff make a trip every night to a different club but we had our best trip to the clubs with the host of this site. Steve does an excellent job of making the arrangements if the group size is right. Feel free to pm us if you need more details!!