rdubnpk Just got back from our five day first trip to Temptation. Met a bunch of fun folks and had a really good time. Met so many people from up north that I've startied saying "eh" to end all my sentences. One note to all my new Canadian friends and acquaintances- and those I didn't meet (and our other international friends). Only about 50% of Americans voted for George Bush. So that means at least half of us need to be given the benefit of the doubt before being automatically branded an a-hole. Food was great, people (including staff) couldn't have been friendlier. Would like a little more night life at the resort, better music in Nice Shoes. All in all, though a great time.
A little boring at night? That was one of our worries.....but we've now booked 11 nights so we'll either have to create our fun or go off resort. I'm gonna have fun! Any pics to share?
rdubnpk There are events scheduled most nights at Nice Shoes. I noticed after the events, people were pumped and ready to party. The DJ plays techno or some variation thereof and a couple of couples will dance while the rest stand around or wander off. During the days at the pool, the DJs will play a variety of music that gets the crowd going (not speaking of the 20- to 30 second blips of songs they play on certain days and times, but even those are better than the techno), and ready to dance and party. The stuff played at Nice Shoes does neither. Guess the DJ enjoys his own stuff, though. I don't see why there cannot be a variety like at the pool. Other than that, you can pay $45-$50 a person to go out with a group of people from Temptation to one of the local clubs each night.
My point, exactly. I'm not big on clubbing either. So....it wouldn't take much. The speaker system is already set up in Nice Shoes. An IPOD and a bartender and we're there...
I agree...we will most definitely make our own party while we are there...we booked all inclusive to party in one place and not have to worry about getting our drunken asses back to the resort!!! Now we only have to worry about getting our drunken asses to our rooms, or at least the beach beds...LMAO:lotsofmichaelfs::flagcanada::italyflag: