1st timers!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by 2-4funtimes, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. 2-4funtimes

    2-4funtimes Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Hello. We're so excited! One more week and we're there, ready to party! We'd love to put up our photo but I can not figure out how to, it says the pic has to be really small....I'm not computer savy and only just remembered our password...anyone, please help? :icon_confused:
  2. backs13

    backs13 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    If you send Steve a private message or email , he will put up pictures for you, you can find him at the top of most of the stickys at the top of the page.... its best to post a picture then go to the month of your trip and start meeting people, you will be amazed how much better your trip is by knowing people ahead of time, good times are quaranteed, great times are waiting for you to make em...meet the people going the same time, email steve and get to work, have a great time and tell us all about it when you get back
  3. joecan26

    joecan26 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2008
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    Were in the same boat 2-4funtimes,dam computers lol. 3 more get ups for us here.See you guys by the pool im sure.
    Darwin & Alissa
  4. Pete&Angie

    Pete&Angie Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    Are you talking about adding an avatar? That is easy...

    1. Click on USER CP (Top left under the Cancare forum logo...)
    2. Click on Edit Avatar. You will see this window:


    3. Navigate to your pic on your computer using the browse button

    Now, if you wanna add a pic to your post- this is a bit more involved. Easiest way is as follows:

    First you need to know that most bulletin boards don't allow uploads directly from your computer. This being the case, you need to find a pic hosting site... I use Imgur... www.imgur.com

    Here are some step by step instructions...

    Imgur also has a cool little add-on for users of Firefox & Chrome (not sure about IE sorry) that allow you to upload a pic from one site to theirs simply by right clicking on the pic and choosing “Upload on Imgur”. To do this you will need to download the add-in from the "Tools" section of Imgur first...

    Uploading Tools - Imgur


    1. Find the pic you wanna post, on the web. Right click on the pic and choose “Upload on Imgur".
    2. A second tab will open in your browser with Imgur and your pic will be loaded in it.
    3. Right click on the pic and chose "view image"
    4. This will give you just the url of the pic itself… Hover your mouse cursor over the address bar, click your right mouse button and choose “Copy
    5. Go back to the tab in your browser that has Cancun Care loaded in it and navigate to the thread you wanna post your pic into. In the “Your Message” box (for making a new post), click on the Insert Image button. It looks like this ----> [​IMG]
    6. Insert the url of your pic into the URL: line by hovering your mouse cursor over the address bar, click your right mouse button and choose “Paste”.
    7. Click the “OK” button.
    8. Add any other text you want and you should be golden.
    Have fun!
  5. SJCT

    SJCT Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Pete&Angie - At the risk of hijacking the thread, which I would like to avoid if possible . . . you did such a great job of answering the pic question, can you tell us how to add the timeline/countdown until departure that appears at the bottom of your posting? Thanks!
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