We are looking forward to our first trip to TTR Jan 22-29. I am sure these questions have been asked and answered a thousand times. Sorry... Theme Nights... What do the men wear? What about the women? We are traveling with another couple. My girlfriend and I have compared outfits. Let's just say...compared to her lovely choices I look like I'm preparing to go to church...lol...I have read anything goes just be comfortable...my hubby says less is more...but his opinions might be self serving..:angel1 Thanks for any input or directions to other posts that might be helpful. Tracey and Scott.
look at everyones photos and you can see for yourself. Just when you think you can not wear something, just look around and you will change your mind fast. We will see you there, we are there from 1/20-1/25.
Def worth going outside your comfort zone - you will feel free and sexier than you ever have before! Trust me...I did.
what to wear This is the straight scoop. Go into a Victoria's Secret store. ANYTHING that they sell there is ok to wear at Patti - O's at night. If you have a Fredrick ' s of Hollywood, 90% of what they sell is ok to wear. Just no prolonged exposure (more than a few minutes) of nips or hoochie, but even that is ok for a short while if you just want to show off. Men should participate, if for no reason more than showing support of their beautiful women. They will have a LOT more fun if they participate too!
Just go & have fun. Everyone's been in the same boat as you at some point in their lives. I remember us both packing full size suitcases our first few times there. Now I pack with the mindset of more is less, however she tends to try to use up the rest of my saved space. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It will be the most fun you have ever had on vacation. You can participate at what ever level you want. Dressing up is the most fun for some of us and the women love it when the men participate. Bring clothes that you would never wear in public and half way though the week you will feel overdressed relax and go with the flow I find it funny that my wife is still nervous and before you know it all she is wearing is some guys shirt! Oh and don't forget you are close enough to change part way thru the night if you want to ease your way in. Hope you have a great trip. You may be addicted after one trip
Ah shit. You're gonna have a good time. Don't be shy. Act like everyone there is someone you already know. Shoot the shit and don't wait to be approached. I think so do that and feel excluded.
re: "prolonged exposure" Repeated instances of brief exposure over the course of a night at Paty-O's will make your circle of friends grow. Interpret as desired. :huh::angel1: