Hi Guys Does anybody know if Oasis supplies 220-230volt electric? I know you guys work on 110volt 60hz but in england we use 240v 50hz which can cause an issue seen as we cannot use any electrical appliance even phone chargers, i have looked at transformers but they are quite big and bulky and i would rather more room in my bag for cloths rather then a heavy transformer. If not is there anything we can get otu there that will be good for us? Cheers PartyBoy!
Hey mate, You can get an adapter which will allow you to use your appliances. You can pick it up from places like Robert Dyas or the airport. That's what I'll be using.
I know you can get a 2 pin to 3 pin adaptor which is goot for anywhere in europe because they use the same voltage/Hz as us but in mexico the voltage is diffrent, some aplliances will work but just very poorly and some sensitive bits of equipment will go bang! Unless of course you have an adaptor with a transformer in it?
problem solved. found a nice cheap small light transformer for the job plus plug adaptor for a bargain £6.78