We will be there 16-24 May - can't wait!
Finally we are Cancuncare Regulars!!! :lotsofmichaelf:
We are home as well. We had a blast in Jamaica (respect mon) and want to do it again and again! Being there with friends was the best part. We...
Re: we are here We will be there soon buddy! Hold the fort down and be ready to give us the low down when we arrive. We are supper...
We too, have to bow out. We will be in Jamaica, drowning our sorrows with Red Stripe beer. :( See you next year! Bill & Chris
United posted a list of cities that have cancelled or reduced flights during the month of May. Washington, DC is one of the cities that have all...
Our flight has been cancelled! United posted a list of cities that have cancelled or reduced flights during the month of May. Washington, DC is...
Dude... you are hard core. I love TTR too, but your health comes first. We are still planning on arriving on the 17th. It would be great to see...
If I had an IPod and had it with me at TTR, a towel would be on it because I am in the pool or at the bar! :beerdrink: :lotsofmichaelf:
Absolutely! :D
If you let it hang out at TTR, male or female, someone is going to take your picture. This is a fact of life. Thousands of pictures are shared...
You will have more happy people :!: :D
How many people do you need per boat? The max on any single day right now is 45. :roll:
Dave - When do you sleep? 57 Days for us!!!
Yeah - Don't go on the 17th. Wait for Bob and Shiela (and Bill & Chris)! :D
Now that's funny. I don't care who your are! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know how you like to capture the moment Dave so I'll bring the camera and a cheering section! :3some: :cheerleaders:
Great trip report Monique! May would not be the same without you two - I hope you can swing the trip. :D
Alright! It is about time you guys caved in and made reservations. It would not have been the same without you. :D
Bummer - We arrive on the 17th. and the place will be empty!