How do you know?
None of us go there for the beach, I rarely go there, and the baths are ok, what we all go there for is you cant find any place in the world more...
For sure we will be there May 10-24, see you all there ::beer4:
We changed out dates a little May 5-20, never seen May Book up this fast, if you havent booked yet Id do it soon!
I booked for May some time ago with all the talk of the place closing in July, even though I knew it wasn't true I thought others might go ahead...
Wow, I printed out the roll call today, cause I will never remember when everybody is arriving, printed 4 pages per sheet, and it was still 12...
So glad you guys are coming after all, wouldn't be the same with out you!
3 more sleeps! We will be in paradise again, Cant Wait to see every body!
Try the Army Diet, Ive lost 14lbs in two weeks
We changed our dates. will be there the 6th-the 20th
Thanks for the update, really like the quiet music during the day!
We tell the truth, hell I accidentally posted a picture of us and where we where going with a topless person in it on facebook ( in those thumb...
I bet you wont be there at 6 and be sitting down there, lol Ive known people to get up at 4 or 5 to save seats and go back to bed but never heard...
I usually always start this, so I guess it about that time, who wants to go on the boobs cruise in May and when. Sad to say I cant go, I"m a prime...
We go May and Oct and have been several other months, but May is the best!
Seems like less and less of us old timers are going, sad, but those of us that are going will have the best time ever!
not found of a lot the techno music, but I can live with it. What's bad is the volume, if you can't talk to the person next to you it's to loud!
Always used trans beach but they screwed us last fall, so US next May
Flying out of Atlanta right now is about 250 to 300 hundred cheaper, but with driving and parking guess it wouldnt be that much cheaper for you....
I lost 150 lbs on they old weight watchers. then they changed to low carbs and I gained 50 lbs back, I just cant do the low carbs. I still eat low...