Babysitting ends at 5pm at our hotel :( So, we're out.
Hi! I'm thinking of taking the boys to a cenote to swim and snorkle. I'm looking for one that is not too cavey as it would make me closterphobic...
Steve, what are the hours approx? If the kids club is open during the hours then we will be in :)
Thanks guys. I will def take him to the aquarium! That sounds like something he'd flip over! Appreciate all the info!
He's 8, but I'm afraid he'd want to ride on one like he sees on shark week!
We are headed to Cancun on 9/16 for a week. My youngest son is CRAZY about sharks- especially whale sharks. I want to take him to see them but...
Awesome trip report- we found that the best way to not miss the opportunities was to go up to "nap" around 4pm...
Go Beauty Queens!!!!!
Steve, do you have "Magic Erasers" there? They are made by Mr. Clean and will take crayon off the wall super easy (as well as most other things)....
I just Love the Beauty Queens- they do anything they have to and just never complain that its "so hard" etc. I just wish Mryna & Shmrna would...
If they don't bring Anything Goes back- at least I hope they come up with some new interactive night activities for Nice Shoes. Karaoke and...
Ian- there's no response I can come up with except- You Suck! :lol: :lol:
I went for Kait- She's a well rounded sports star too!
I love goatees- keep it! Whenever Greg is annoyed (really annoyed) at me he shaves his off :( I think it's so sexy.
Seriously- you will miss that feeling! My boys are 3 & 2 and I'm hinting that I'd like to get pregnant again. This is something my husband does...
I vote for September 3rd- 2:30 PM
Got me too. People at work officially think I'm nuts now.
Got me too.
Well I hope she doesn't mind me doing this but- Elizabeth, who now lives in Cancun stayed there and has a TR on her website:...
Brady's a cutie- not as cute as Peyton- but well he SUCKS under pressure.