Check out the peanut pet shelter in Playa. Tons of cuties there to chose from.
During my copyright research I read that to protect yourself from idea thiefs you should write your idea down with all the details, rules or what...
Never read a quote with such wisdom...don't mind if I steal this one for my signature.
Let me know if you want to sin a little :roll:
Homer rules!
Very cute Ian.
Glad to know you have a good brain. Now, can you explain to me why the minimum wage was left untouched for 10 years, while inflation went through...
Sorry about that Rice. I hang out with people who exaggerate everything. We say Elephant when we mean snail and stuff. It was very sweet of you to...
Oh thank you Bridget, that is very sweet of you. Well, I taught my 4 yo boy some U.S. geography. I drew my own map and used some simple toys to...
Where did you learn economics? Poor Walmart CEO's, they might have to tighten up the belt and buy that new jet next quarter. Maybe we should...
Ella Hottiella! :)~~~~
I take that back. I'll walk with the cash even with the banging. I just got raped 3x at the car repair shop. Might as well get something for it.
I don't think 1/3 is too stiff. Without a good lawyer, he would have served the 15 or 25 to life and no cash. If the kid gets 2/3's of 5 mill, I...
Thank you Karan and Rice (cute nick btw). I'll find one here. LOL
12 months, 5 mill?? In a heart beat, no problem. I need to work 40 years to make that much. No rape tho. My ass is worth way more than that....
The IMSS card is good to get free condoms.
What about those who already look like that? Not much room for another belly.
Balls to the wall!!!!
Diablitos! they already have Diablo Shrips
Yep, a neighbor ratted him out. What is it with neighbors? Kind of rude of them, ain't it?