Another fun day would be to do a day trip to either Playa del Carmen or Isla Mujeres. Playa has a huge stretch of beach and 5th AV is an...
How about book a one way flight and then book your return flight while you are there?
Have you tried orbitz using the promo code "200entertain"?
Aqua World has dives....don't know the particulars.
Just read this article and had to smile. I have no strong opinion on the issue so found the humor.... Passengers are Stripping During Airport...
Personally I would rather walk through the scanner than have a pat down and my opinion is based on nothing other than my personal comfort level....
Wouldn't be from WI if I didn't say Brats!! lol kabobs are always good, baked beans all you have to do is open the can and cover with tin foil...
Have you tried Woodman's? They have a pretty large selection.
The Fire Opal...behind the Hotel Gomar is good for jewelry. If you turn left when you get off the ferry and walk a bit there is a little...
When we were in Playa they were all up and down the beach. We never stopped, so no advice which is the best.
If you go back a few blocks there is a group of local style eateries...across the street from Hotel Las Palmas on Av. Guerrero. They have local...
Especially if it causes someone to miss their flight! IMHO paying in advance is not an issue, but I would hate to be sitting on the side of the...
So it is going to be something that is policed a bit more at the resort and not just being randomly pulled over and the passengers questioned?
Thanks Tom!! I have spent most of my morning playing with this...wish we were heading back there sooner rather than later.
I agree about walking the cliffs at the sculpture park. We had some not quite warm enough for the beach days when we were on Isla in January and...
You will have to take a taxi or bus to get there...not walking distance. There is a bus stop right outside to the right of TTR. You can ask the...
25 sleeps and I will be there....well Isla for 4 days then Playa for 5. It'll be a nice break from this weather. [img]