John & Amanda Feb 11 - 16 2nd trip Might be doing BC on Valentines day if it runs. Found out this is also NBC week and looking forward to meeting...
When we went in May, we booked the garden view room and we were offered the upgrade to the bash tower during check-in at a 40% discount. We took...
We'll be spending Valentines day at TTR this year. Anyone know if there's a special theme night on v-day typically?
We were going to go, and we cancelled today. With the way the things are shifting, I don't think cruises will be running. So rather than get my...
Newbies, interested in the lifestyle. Be gentle, it's our first time ;-)
John and Amanda, and we're first timers. We'll be there 5/17 - 5/21. Going for our birthdays. John's birthday is 5/17, Amanda's birthday is 5/22...