@NikandRobSC we don't arrive until Sunday and we'll have a Trendy Garden View when we check in. We should be checked in and ready to explore the...
@NikandRobSC Awesome! We'll see you guys on the boat. @2justforfun38 We'll have to find time to catch a drink at the pool bar or at Bash!
Hopefully you'll have some time to share a drink with 2 newbies?
We snagged our spot for the 7th! Now to make sure to pack enough sunscreen, I burn easy and burnt nips are no fun :/
Does the day of the week effect the rowdiness of the trip? We'll be at Temptations from Dec 6 -13 and are open to either day but I wanted to see...
Dates: Dec 6 - 13 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: Yes This will be our first time at Temptations and both of us are looking forward to it!