16-19th Trip 7th No cruise
How’s it compare to Nancy’s? We tried the erotic massage a couple years ago at the resort, I didn’t think it was worth the $300.
Is that Nancy’s massage place still open down the beach? I heard the owner got arrested this winter.
May 22nd-29th
I was wondering the same thing, regarding Black Friday sales
Sept 16-22 2 in group No BC Trip 5
It’s called inflation
I read there was one on the 24th on facebook
That’s the spirit,
Do they ever have live bands at TTR? Shit that’d be awesome, we’re gen x’rs.
So is that the $685 dollars in taxes they charge for the week at Temptations?
May 21-28
We usually do a dollar or 2 for drinks, 5-10 for meals.
We just got some tickets for our annual Memorial Day trip, some things changed schedule wise so we can go.
July 26th for a week
May 22
We aren’t in the lifestyle, we like the party at ttr.
Oops wrong page, was supposed to be for ttr
July 26-Aug2