8-15 April, 3 of us coming,9th trip or so, can't wait!!!
Has anyone had to work remotely from Tempation? If so how was the connection and did the internet access name 'give you away'?
Is Hotties and Hellraisers a take over group?
Thank you for the tip!! Unfortunately we will be there 22-29 this year.
Maybe there should be a pre renovation crew /original members take over Our first trip in three years is coming up in October and I would love...
How is the Hallowen party? Looking to go that wek if we can.
Fantastic can't wait, what a great idea!!
Being a rum drinker I love Havana Club especially as you cannot get it in the states.
We will be there, 16-23 March. Looking forward to a proper St. Paddy's party. Should be some good craic!! What are you all dressing up as?
Flying out of Charlotte on the 16th!
If you like rum try Havanna Club, not available in the US and it is grear
16 to 23 March for us. Can't wait!! Hopefully we will see you all there.
March 16-23 Clair & Tony Two in group 4th trip BC......maybe (never done it before) Already counting down the days
How does that work? Thanks
would love some info on the theme nights. Hopefully this time we will pack accurately
Be there 9-16, can't wait!!