Casey & Charlie Dates: Oct 20 - 25 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes Trip #2
We missed it too, see everyone on the Cruise
Got the Upgrade... Flying First Class! See everyone tomorrow afternoon!
Update - 98 for July 16 July 16 Austin C (2) PardonTheFun (2) Motorboatin SOB (2) Dan & Dianna (2) Wingdis (2) HereComesTrouble (Ginger and Eric)...
I updated and started a July 15 Room Crawl Thread on the July 14,15,16,17 & 18 Thread take a look and make comments... I’ll updated
We started one on the July 14,15,16,17 & 18... thread... Crawl is on the 15th
Let’s start an official July 15th Room Crawl Signup Here: HowInTheWorld CandD4fun showme Pk21514 SD_Couple 1funcpl001 funlovingcouple123 2JaysFL...
We Are
Yes! Room for all
Where do we stand on room crawls for the dates of the 14th - 18th?
July 16th Boobs Cruise (Update) Austin C (2) PardonTheFun (2) Motorboatin SOB (2) Dan & Dianna (2) Wingdis (2) HereComesTrouble (Ginger and Eric)...
Hey, it's Charlie & Casey... we wanted to start a new thread to centralize people, activities and ideas for people who will be at TTR on some or...
July 14-18 Excited to meet everyone
We would love to join in on the 15th
That's the day we get there! Sounds fun!
We are there the 14-18
Love it!
Hey, it's Charlie (the lady) asking you other ladies how slutty do you dress at night for dinners? I don't want to dress super slutty of no one...
It's our honeymoon week too! Cheers! Excited to meet you guys!