We've flown Frontier the last 4 times we have been to Cancun. We both got the Frontier credits cards with 40000 miles each. Flown twice now for...
Back for our 4th trip 15th to the 21st.
Oh I dont know lol.
7th to 14th :-)
We'll be bringing a 1/5th of Fireball and shot glasses ;-)
I dont see why it would be an issue at all :-) Its Temptation!! All you need is a wrapped sex toy min $20 with batteries I believe.
We went on one in October. Hosts set their rooms up with shots and games, maybe a theme. Group travels from room to room, shooting shots, playing...
I think the issue isn't single guys so much as the larger groups of single guys, the degree of douchery increases as the group size increases. In...
It's a date ;-)
May 7th to the 14th!!!!!
Yeah, wear whatever you like....as long as its white ;-) We are there 7th time 14th :)
"The pool is deep and full of urine"
We arrive on the 7th, hoping to be in the Sexy Pool for 3pm. If we dont find you at the pool we'll see you at 9pm ;-)
Single guy sure. Big pack of guys, sexy environment, bunch of alcohol, not the bang fest they thought it would be......what could go wrong.
Who knows what might happen in 6 months or a year.....bit of a gamble effectively pre buying into a discount scheme you might not be able to use....
Sports bar 9pm, show up shit faced with a gift wrapped donkey dong dildo....I think.
It certainly sounds that way doesnt it....
41 :-)
I'm British (Manchester) though now I'm also American after living in the States for 12 years and marrying a beautiful American girl. Live in the...
Lol, we lost all our tips, boobs cruise money in envelopes down that dreaded gap between the wall and the cabinets. Had to use hanger poles like...