Dates: January 4th-12th Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: Yes, always! Much needed trip back for us ( #31 ) . Will be great to see friends that...
Sept 15th- 22nd. BC 16th &20th
Dates: September 15th- 22nd Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise? Yes. BC 16th & 20th. Home 2 weeks and ready to be back seeing everyone again. Just 3...
We were there June, and same as it always is from what I've seen. In all our trips we never went to She (prob only one that enforcement is pretty...
Yup definitely Bash as we do alot of chilling on roof during day
Indeed. Our first trip to ttr was in 2018, Aug will be #33 Sept going to Ireland 1st trip non ttr lol.
Was there in June also, glad you had a great time. It's tough going elsewhere. Just catch ya on your last days.
Dates: 8/3 to 8/10 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: Yes 8/5 & 8/9 Just got home and ready to be back.
Dates: June 1st - June 8th Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes! June 3rd & 7th for us. #32 Booked up tower all May so June it is!
Dates: March 3-10 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes. We are going to be on BC 4th and also 8th. See everyone soon.
Dates- Jan 7th-14th Number in Group- Two Interested in Boobs Cruise- Yes ,of course for 8th and also 12th.
In for the November 6th and also 10th for us this trip.
The boobs cruise has many people on it, many mild, some could be wild and some maybe in middle. If shes ok with topless the rest is alot of fun...
Ron and Chris Dates: Nov 5 - 12 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: Definitely... 6th & 10
We don't care for a few. ( and the 2024 choices aren't interesting to us) so.just make it another lingerie night. Can't wait we arrive in 4 wks now
Not sure if in this case but more than a few times when on phone hitting thumbs up, it does the down. Could have just been a mistake especially on...
That would be great time. Unfortunately it's been slow at CUN. Immigration has been backed up,.luggage if you have is even worse then reroute for...
Great way to start it off. Just few days to go! See ya there
It's always possible, if you think you want to go , sign up as soon as you can that way your on. We are on the 8th.
Oh no! ...not the both of you again! Will be good to see very soon.