Dates: April 15 - 20 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? No Cancun 2017 by Juan Castaneda posted Feb 6, 2018 at 5:33 PM
Phu, when are you going?
Spicy everybody is talking about you, so I can tell you are like crazy famous around TTR.
Shit, you are pretty famous... we'll see ya in Halloween.. cheers!
Looking to go back next week but hell it is expensive. Anybody here with some premium free or cheap nights willing to share? It’s worth to ask lol
Come on sexy people.... March 9th!!
Count us in!!!
O Our same dates!!!
Who else will be going on March 9th??
Drinks when we come back? It could be a fun summer lol
Cool, we couldn’t find people to come with us. Maybe after coming back we can get together and share stories hahahaha there will be lots
Just wondering if there is anyone going to TTR from Calgary anytime soon? We are going March 6th...
Temptations from March 6 to 13.
We are going March 6-13 but haven’t made up our minds about boobs Cruise. Let’s get together and decide what date to attend to it. Cheers
Looking forward to have some drinks with you two!!!
Can’t wait to meet you guys!
If you see us first come by and say hello!!! Cheers
We are in!!
Dates: Mar 6 - Mar 13 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Second time in less than six months. Feel free to get in touch as it’d be...
Hey, would like to meet ya guys.... cheers