Our second TTR trip coming up Nov 20 to 30.
Dates: Nov 20 to 30 Number in Party: 2 plus whoever will join us Boobs Cruise: You bet
Ooopppps.... Haha. Corrected
Nov 20 to 29 for us
You know where to find us
Seems with the cyber sale, 9 nights is a better deal. More cost but overall but cheaper per night.
But it's $300 a night with every 3rd night free so if you go for 3, 6 or 9 nights, it averages out to $200 a night.
Nov 23rd to 30th. First time at TTR.
Looks great.
Thank you for comments. Much appreciated.
Fantastic! Thanks so much.
And how can we do that? We've never been to TTR and don't know who she is but would love to schedule an appointment. Thanks,
That sounds like a plan. What dates are you there? We are there from Nov 23 to 30.
Haha. I might just go for the panties.... Lol
I'm going with what Lochnavar suggested..... Love it!
Thanks for the info. Better bring one pair of dress pants, a shirt and tie just in case.
Very well said!
Can you get into She with dress shorts?