Hi Jannet- can you change our name to TNRepeaters? Thanks in advance
We may be interested - what kind of photography do you normally do? Do you have examples of your work?? And of course, how much for a session? Thanks
April 7-14 2 of Us Yes!! Absolutely!! April 9th
Good looking couple!
Very funny Karson!!
We are also very interested in getting photos coming up in April, if you found any additional information, please share. Thanks
We will be there April 7-14, our 2nd trip!! Love meeting new people, hopefully we will have a chance to meet.
We will be there April 7-14. I am confident we will be hanging out. Kevin W., Karson, and company allowed us to hang with them for the week during...
Hi friends-
Who likes chocolate syrup?
Hey, we just booked for April as well!!! April 7-14th. No broken bones allowed.....
5 more, super slow, glacier like moving days!!!
Wow! Y'all are seasoned vets, perhaps you could show us 1st Timers the ropes...??? Please say hi when we bump into each other.
We will see you there - on the 23rd!! Can't wait...Ready to pop our TTR
We will see you there, can't wait!! When you see us, please say Hi!! We will do the same....
Our 1st time at TTR and the BC on the 29th.....should be lots of fun with long lasting memories! See you there!
We are there the same dates as you and are on the cruise the 29th. Say Hi when you see us, ready for some sun and fun!!!
We are celebrating an anniversary, we are there 23-30th. Hope to celebrate together!
We will be there the same dates, looking forward to meeting great people!