All booked for the 30th. Ya baby!!!!
Well we'll see you on the 28th then! 25th - 4th for us and bc on the 30th :)
April 25 - May 4 for us :)
We're there Apr 25 - May 4........... please give me some good news! :p hahahahaha!
Visible nipples don't bother me one little bit if in the right company nd I'm braless pretty much always........seriously hate those fucking...
Yellow card? lol, what's that all about???
Newbie question here! Do you do pasties under that jumper, or leave it sheer? (love it by the way!) I'm still on the fence about pasties or not...
Looooove that white dress in your avatar pic too! Where did you find?
When are your dates? :) We're there Apr 25 - May 4
After a few in a glass I'm pretty sure that's tequila's natural progression, no??? We're expecting no less, hahahahaha!
bahahahaha, too true.......... and don't forget the adults in parking lots with smarts enough to walk in front of 3 tonnes of glass and steel...
I think "natural selection" is the nutshell version of what the above was getting at? I hear Temptation used to have the pool opened all the...