OMG!! 2 days- few enough now to start counting hours!! Be on resort by noon Monday. Can't wait!!
Single guys, single women, couples, groups doesn't matter to us!! Come to explore, meet new amazing people, be open to a great time (whatever that...
Too funny!!
Seems that no matter when you go, amazing people are there!! We're looking forward to meeting returning September goers, newbies and those who are...
And this will be our first time in September. We usually go in April.
Lmao. We arrive two days after you do and leave only the day after you depart. Lol.
Sept 4-10.
Glad I'm not the only one. Lol. Woot woot!!
You're basically packed already from the last time you were there. In the carry on suitcase wwwaaayyyy in the back of the closet. Lol
Omg. 52 days!! But who's counting...
Train hard, feed well. Nurture your mind, body and soul. ❤️ All about balance baby!!
Sept 4-10 for us, so we miss the actual weekend but catch Labour Day Monday.
Good for you!! Making lifestyle changes are hard, but so worth it!! Congrats on starting the ball moving in a direction to make you happy. It's...
So well said!!
We're 78 days, 12 hrs out (but who's counting) from our 5th trip to TTR. So excited to see what's changed, what's stayed the same. To see some...
Thanks for posting and keeping us all updated Steve!! Very much looking forward to seeing the long awaited results!!
" Bre Jamboree"!!! Hahahaha. Love it!!
Nevermind. Lol. Oh boy. 2 Bre's. lol. This could be interesting!! Woot woot!!
Bres are really fun. What are your dates?
I'm a fan of board shorts. They look way more attractive to me, and make me want to find out more on the right guy ;) Bre