1 Day!!!! We will be at the shit show tomorrow before lunch
We booked Nov 20 for June 16 - June 23. We got the confirmation the same day, and were charged the next day.
We are booked for 6/16/18 - 6/23/18 Can't wait!
We are thinking about coming down for the 10/30 Boobs Cruise. We will only be there for the weekend (two nights). Any recommendations on a...
Chinos declared I had the biggest dick on the Boobs cruise. Just saying...
How was the Chesapeake Boobs cruise?
How was the cruise?
So, what is this? A Boobs Cruise on the Chesapeake Bay?
Where do we meet tomorrow morning?
Last minute packing question. Are there hangers in the rooms? For clothes. Get you mind out of the gutter. Eric
Looking forward to meeting evryone tomorrow! Sunday June 26, 2016
Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Hope to meet you tomorrow.
Almost there! How is the water?
How big is the in room safe? Will an 12" iPad Pro fit? Eric
We will be there Sunday June 26 - Friday July 1. 7 More Days! :headbanger:
I was able to convince the wife that this was a great idea. It will suck if we don't set sail.
Why am I not seeing the posted pictures?
16 days! The wife has been spedning lots of money at Victoria's Secrets. :lotsofmichaelfs:
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Cannot wait till the end of June! 32 days and counting.