See you two on the 24th! 25th is the boob cruise!!
Hey for sure we will tell you about it the ones we know about!! Good to see your coming, the English are so fun to party with!
See you two there! We are the 19-26th
There is a lot of resorts like TTR! We will tell you about them, just ask us when we are there!!
We had the same type of thing happen to us in Jamacia at a famous resort, you know the one I mean!! We had two great trips there, met lots of...
Woohoo more Canadians!! See you guys there, we arrive on the 19th!!
We will find you two!! Sounds like most of our time will be spent in the sexy pool!!
We will be there March 19-26th!!
You two look like trouble! We like finding trouble!;-) We will find you two in TTR!! Hollie & Kevin March 19-26th
Hope to see you two there!!! We are there the same days as you!
Woohoo more Albertans to party with! See you guys at the pool! You should book the boob cruise on the 25th!
That hot tub does sound like fun!!
It sounds like another resort we like to visit! A lot of partying, drinking, & sex! LOL Woohoo 2 more weeks to go!!:daveandmo::partytime::3some:
We are booked!! 4 people!! Funloving4cpls4 is with us as well!