From Essex. Have provisionally booked BC for 13th but might change to 17th as it may not fit with other things planned.
Just paid our deposit!! Cant wait....
Second time. See you soon!
We are there from 11-18th so will have couple of days overlapping with you!
Hi All, looking to attend boobs cruise for the first time as we read so much about it. Wanted to check which will be the best day? Wed 13/fri...
We will be there from 11-18th. Looking forward to great time partying and making new friends. Ang&Sum
Looking forward to meet you all!
They must have got room allocations or quota as travel agents. I think we must have squeezed through in one of the last rooms left to sell......
Thomas Cook UK. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just booked TTR 11Apr-18Apr.. Super excited!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk