Bart and Annette March 19 to April 8 BC maybe
Bart and Annette Oct 15-23
Our yacht reservation is for after you leave, but may be going on one earlier. Look us up around the Premier Bar. My hair is quite a bit longer...
April 18-27 Lost track, but around trip #40 Yacht a couple of times this trip, but probably not BC
Sounds like our trip from LY!. The staff including the bartenders, servers, and playmakers are great. The dress code inconsistencies are...
I don't think there are any travel bargains out there for 2021/2022. We just got back from Vegas and nothing cheap there at all other than the...
Say hello and have drinks and lunch with Chinos and other TTR friends on Saturday July 24 at Bakers & Hale Restaurant in Godfrey, IL. Bakers &...
We missed all of the Canadians this past year. Hope to see you back in a few months.
Not sure of the motion detectors, however their systems are not so dependable. I'm not sure we have ever had a trip where we didn't end up having...
Definitely some action during the foam parties.
April is a great month at TTR. Later sunsets and warm but not scorching like the summer. Lots of repeaters.
$30 US for Yeti with Temptation logo in the gift shop.
We never look at the Cancun weather other than to determine the temps. 30-60% chance of rain usually means that there is a chance it will rain...
We will be taking the yacht out on Jan 4 if you are still around. I’m easy to spot at the Premier bar every morning.
Always fun but just as hot as July!
I bet the owners are second guessing not tearing the entire hotel down and building more of the tower rooms now that they can get an additional...
We are in the same camp as John and Steve. Over 40 trips for us and still someone in the Premier check in asks if it is our first time. We had a...
The pre-Pandemic crowds were 30-40% Canadian and now the crowds are less than 5% Canadian. Lots of the repeaters are usually Canadian and taking...
This past week was one of the youngest crowds I can remember. Lots of young gals showing up with some very white boobies. Probably best for those...
Chinos in Alton, 2020