Dane and Xara May 17-21
Dates:Nov 8-17 Number in Group: 4 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes- Nov 13 booked
Thanks soooo much !!!!!!
Steve, We met 2 young British ladies who would like to join the cruise. How do they go about registering once at the resort? Thanks!!!! TriXi (Xara)
I feel better now that that is booked- thanks for hosting such an awesome cruise Steve!!!!!!
Problem solved
absolutely i'm super excited
Thanks a bunch!
I will have to look that product up! Dramamine makes me feel so drowsy but I need it to go on the boat.... Whoooohooo!!! So excited for us all!!...
Uber excited for our trip wary December!!! We did the boobs cruise in May and couldn't wait to go to TTR.. Anybody as excited as we are?? When do...
its ours too. Im super excited :) We did the boobs cruise out of TTR in May and were determined to go stay there. See you in less than 60 days!!!!
We are newbies but will be there from the 7th to the 16th.