It’s been years since we’ve been so im sure the menus have changed. But she would ask questions and make a few changes and they were always...
My wife is also vegan and can always find something to eat.
Oct 17-21 4th trip Boobs cruise the 18th
My wife and I just used the doctor letter. Make sure you have your positive test result too, bc they asked for it at the airport. We opted not to...
Who’s signed up for the 12? We’re ready to party!
March 11-15 Just the 2 of us Boobs cruise on the 12th! 3rd visit
Need more people for the 19th... looking kind of empty!
Booked for the 19th! Anyone else yet?
We had a good time at Moorea
We won’t be there until August. Let us know what you find out!
My wife sticks to a vegan diet. Not me, I gnaw on flesh. From the menus posted earlier (thanks) it doesn’t seem like she will have a lot of...
The 2 of us will be there Aug 16-23 for our second trip Boobs Cruise: hell yes I’m (troy) deployed right now, ready to party in the sexy pool!
There's nothing to look at at the resort anyways. There is a guy there who sells scuba trips and will also sell snorkeling trips. We took the...
Just wondering, do they still go out in the rain? Weather is supposed to be nasty all week. I know it's still early, but I'm pretty excited